feeling uninspired lately. just some snapshots. my
new lens will be here tuesday (thanks memom & grandma k!), so hopefully wednesday i can get the softbox & schtuff out and play a bit. until then i'm not sure what will be here, lol. it's cold, so the kids don't want to play for me outside. maybe i'll do a few self portraits ... maybe.
i'm also on the hunt for a big heart lollipop, gourmet style
like this. can anyone help me?? i checked target, fuzziwigs, party city, and one other place, i think. i got a christmas one for .25c at target on clearance today ... but a heart would be RAD!
I can't believe fuzziwigs doesn't have heart suckers yet. All the stores are getting stocked up...I bet you can find one in a week or so. I can't wait to see some shots with the new lens! Have fun!
i know! she said she ordered some, but it doesn't mean they'll actually come in.
Keep an eye on Walgreens. They regularly have the giant suckers.
I just saw some of those suckers in the dollar bin section at Target, with the Valentine's Day stuff. They were just putting it out last week at my Target. :)
(Adryanasmommy on GF)
thanks girls! i checked target for ones i saw someone got there, but they didn't have any. maybe i'll go out to the other target. and i'm off to find a close wallgreens! also, there is a candy store here called hammonds, but they're closed today. boo.
i will not give up, lol!
Aw I love the pic of Miss N. Those PJ's are too cute. I just got AJ a pair of button PJ's at Target last week, Kev says they are too grown for her @@. No clue on the lollies I would try a candy store.
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