Saturday, September 12, 2009


picture this. husband, kids ... set up, looking fancy a few feet off the ground in a tree. mom (7+ mo pregnant), sets camera up for the shot, hits the timer, and runs, trying to jump up on the tree in time. did. not. work. lol. i guess i'm THAT pregnant now, lol. as luck would have it, a passerby noticed my weak jumping skills, and volunteered to hit the shutter for me, lol!

this was taken at wash park in denver.

click for bigger on black



Heather said...

Jenn, that is such an excellent photo!!! I think I'd have to blow that up, frame it, and hang in on the wall. You have such a cute family.

angela said...

Great picture and I had to laugh at that image!

4Small's said...

So where's the one of you trying to jump up! lol