Wednesday, April 15, 2009


lunch of champions. a "pat's philly steak" with fried onions from denver, and some tastycakes (fwiw, i did not eat them all - i only had one each ... but i am sure i COULD eat it all, lol!). ethan didn't eat his steak, so it's totally my lunch for tomorrow!

and so the bulge begins!




You are SO cute, Mommy!

Karrie said...

And the preggo cuteness begins!

Just me~Bobbie Jo said...

Oh you are so stinkin' cute! :)

Gisela said...

You have the cutest belly! And LOVE the Philly lunch! I don't think I could ever leave the food too much!

jenn said...

thanks ladies!

gisela - i'm totally dying for a cherry vanilla gelati from rita's. think flying home for a day would be a little over the top? lol!

4Small's said...

So now that I am no where near philly, I have been carving for a cheese steak and some tasty cakes! No Fair! lol. I still can't get over the fact you are having another baby. I would die if I ever had another!!! I just want my sleep back!!!

Kayla said...

oh YUM! the sandwich looks phenomenal!

Hope the pregnancy is going well!!

Deann H said...

That is a really cute picture of you!