so my picture today is thrilling! we got some exciting news last week, so i've been organizing & getting everything settled like a maniac. today i got a HUGE moving box full of stuff for donating. finally 99% of the rest of the unfinished moving stuff done today. it feels great! by thursday we will be completely cleaned out & organized. i'm so done storing stuff!
...and on to the exciting news we found out last week! :) now that our families know, it's safe to share. looks like #4, likely our last, will be making his/her entrance this fall. :) one kid born in each season! we are keeping the gender a surprise like we did with ethan. it was so exciting to find out at the birth. we're meeting with the homebirth midwife out here next week ... we're all just so excited! we haven't told the kids, yet. we're waiting a bit to play it safe, & not to make it seem like an eternity to them!
Congrats Jenn! I am so happy for you all! :)
Jenn-that is so awesome!! Congrats!!!! :)
Congratulations !
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! Will you have a homebirth blog??? PLease say yes, and comment on my blog and let me know if you do!!!!
Congratulations, Jenn!
yay!!! so happy for you guys, congrats!
Congrats Jenn!!!! How exciting!! I love the pic with you holding Norah! Its just precious!!!
thanks everyone! kayla - i'll probably start posg a little more on my other blog again .... although i'll need to change the name, lol!
Congrats again :)
girl I have been waiting for you to post it here and have at least one belly pic? Please?
haha grace, fat chance on the belly pic! pun intended! ;) it'll be at least another 8 weeks before i do that. :P
Congrats Jenn! I'm so excited for you guys! and I can't believe you have everything done and organized. I still have TONS to organize and unpack and we've lived her almost 6 months. Luckily we have a garage that doesn't hold a car (they enclosed part of the garage to make another bedroom) so it's our storage space for now and it's PACKED!
Congrats!! I'm so jealous
well bummer I am not an okay'ed reader =( i tried looking at it... bums =(
Congratulations!!!!! :o)
Ahh!!! I just read this! CONGRATS!! I am so excited for you! I don't know how you do it. I am just so tired from just 2! between us though, I wouldn't mind having just one I'll be following along in your adventure. : )
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